148: How Hypnosis and Essential Oils Can Help with Trauma and Life Transitions with Barbara Dooley

We are talking about how hypnosis and essential oils can help with trauma and life transitions. My guest, Barbara Dooley, has been a hypnotist for over a decade and has helped women through major life transitions. We discussed:

  • How your intuition is your innate wisdom
  • Which essential oils can be used to assist during hypnosis
  • Why women don’t always rely on their intuition
  • How to start listening to your intuition
  • How play is a tool for transitions

About Barbara Dooley:
Certified in 2008 as a Consulting Hypnotist, with training in the Emotional Freedom Technique, and Neuro-linguistic Programming, Barbara combines the many energy modalities she has studied, with hypnosis and essential oils, to inspire women to actualize the self through intuition. She also genuinely believes in the healing power of playful, creative expression, and regularly uses this tool to invite and inspire her clients to open to new possibilities.

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