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This week’s podcast interview has been, hands-down, my favorite! My guest Eva Clay, an acclaimed psychotherapist and sex and love expert, shared wisdom that was beyond profound! Are you single and question whether or not casual sex is something you want to engage in? Or do you play small in the dating world so as to not come off as too powerful? In this episode we chat about these topics and more. We’ve got you covered!
We jammed on:
- Can a woman be in power in casual sex?
- Can sex be considered casual?
- Are you part of the growing trend of “cougars”?
- Learn if you are playing small in the dating world
- What men need
- Navigating winning phrases while on a date
About Eva Clay:
An acclaimed psychotherapist and sexuality expert, for 20 years Eva’s mission has been to illuminate the ménage-a-trois soul, sex and science. Eva believes that self-love is the foundation for healthy relationships, and has helped thousands of people to create hot and holy love. Eva’s trained extensively in mind-body philosophies and as a teacher of neuropsychology, she bodaciously reminds us that smart is sexy. Her courses are an elegant marriage of science and soul, poetry and pragmatism, the profound and the playful. Eva teaches around the world and offers elite coaching on self-love, pleasure, and sexual awakening. On her off time, you’ll find her making mayhem on a dance floor.
Hanna Rosin’s Ted Talk, “The Rise of Woman” (aka The End of Men)
Vagina by Naomi Wolf (vagina)
The Art of Sexual Magic: Cultivating Sexual Energy to Transform Your Life