006: Uncovering Your Truth: The Only Way to be Fully Alive with Suzanne Hanna

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Do you wish you could move through your fear and pain as a way to live a more inspired and wholehearted life? My guest, Suzanne Hanna, founder of the The Wilderness Walk,  is a healer, visionary, writer, and inspirational speaker. She has helped women release their fears and become fully alive. Suzanne is also a truth teller. She doesn’t sugar coat anything. Brilliant. I adore her and you will love this interview! So many nuggets, enjoy!

In this episode we jam on:

  • Discovering women’s biggest blocks to greatness
  • The reasons behind unhealthy patterns
  • Consequences to living an untruthful life
  • How to reverse feeling unworthy and how we avoid facing our truths
  • Tools to live your fullest life
  • Why feeling the pain is the path to your greatness
  • Why we stay in relationships longer than we need to
  • Discovering why we run from our power
  • How to schedule downtime for reflection
  • Why we fill our emptiness with sex, drugs, and food

About Suzanne Hanna:
Suzanne Hanna is a healer, visionary, writer, and inspirational speaker. She has helped hundreds of men and women move through their fear and pain as a way to live a more inspired and wholehearted life. Suzanne is the founder and creator of The Wilderness Walk Movement, an experiential hero’s journey through the darkness and fear of the inner mind and the pain of the wounded heart in order to help others integrate ALL aspects of their being, both light and dark. Her seven and nine week journey’s are changing lives all over the world and leading people on a path to internal freedom.

You can find Suzanne here:
Suzanne Hanna
The Wilderness Walk

Byron Katie: The Work