May is my favorite month because it’s my birthday month. And I just love being a Taurus. I get told often how grounded and calm I am. And it’s true! Taurus is a fixed earth sign, which happens to love home, luxury, and we tend to surround ourselves with beauty. We love having all our senses delighted and satisfied. And yes, I can also be quite stubborn at times.
We are also in mercury retrograde which is a great time to re-evaluate and re-assess. Maybe it’s time to re-assess a relationship, should you stay or is it time to call it quits? Is your career/job truly soul satisfying? What is your true essence and are you honoring it?
It’s also a great time to get intimate with your finances and be mindful of your spending. And New moon energy is always a time to plant seeds of intention. What would you love to manifest in your life? Time to break out the journal and dream.
How I’m spending my New Moon in Taurus:
- Exploring my senses by creating a gourmet meal
- Listening to music
- Lighting some beautiful scented candles
- Slowing down and being present
- Opening space in my calendar this month
- Simplify/declutter
- Hot bath with a glass of champagne, organic berries, dark chocolate, lavender salts, lavender oil and soft music in the background.
Let self-love be your priority and be grateful for your past. Release all judgements and as Kari Samuels says “Say thank you, you were one of my greatest teachers and let it go.”
How will you spend this day? Even if you take 10 minutes to sit and set your intentions and give yourself 1 act of self-love, you’ve captured the essence of the day.
May all your intentions manifest in divine timing.
Much love,