Wisdom for the Weekends
Life is too short to settle for shit we don’t really want. Like, a warm body to watch Netflix, but with a guy that’s, “meh”? Or a job you can move on from, but are afraid there is nothing better. Listen to this week’s Wisdom for the Weekend episode for tips on how to stop…
Do you find yourself holding on to friends, lovers, or partners that are one-sided? Do you find yourself giving away so much energy that it’s becoming exhausting? Why do we do this? Is that person or job truly serving your highest good? Listen to this week’s Wisdom for the Weekend episode to find out why it’s important to…
What does an extraordinary life mean to you? When you think about how your extraordinary life could be, what do you envision? Can you think of 3 things that would make your life feel extraordinary? In this week’s Wisdom for the Weekend, I dive into my 3 things. You can have a life that you consider…
Whether I am the country or in the city, I take the time to see beauty and miracles in things, people, and nature. It can be life changing. During the weekend, take off your headphones and look around at the beauty of everything. Do it once, and the try to make this into a daily habit. …
Are you having second thoughts about creating your dream life, job, house or business? Do you keep thinking that it’s just not possible? Know that your potential is by far greater than any fear, excuse, or objections that you can think of. Keep going and don’t give up. Subscribe to the podcast on: iTunes / Stitcher / Google Play Wisdom for…
© 2023 Margaret Romero