The One Reason You May Not be Able to Get Out of Bed

  Thinning hair, dry skin, sluggish and experiencing some weight gain and blaming it on this past winter? Can barely get out of bed? Dragging ass? Don’t be fooled, you think it may just be from a winter of hibernation but it could be your thyroid. Your thyroid is a gland that sits on the…

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My Breast Scare

What would you do the day you suddenly feel a breast lump? Ignore it, make an appointment to see your GYN, keep checking and rechecking, or sink into depression or panic? Well, the day I found this lump on my left breast, I panicked. I kept examining the area repeatedly.  I had felt something very…

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That Big, Beautiful F Word

Can you think of someone who aggravates you? Someone who is utterly irritating, but may or may not be in your life anymore? Maybe it’s a close friend who has turned their back on you or a love relationship that went sour. An exchange of harsh words turned to hurt feelings and anger.  The very…

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The Winter Blues, Do You Have It Too?

It’s been a long, cold month since my last blog. With this recent snow storm, I am at home today and wanted to reach out to you. Every winter, I experience the winter blues or otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. The bone chilling winds along with the drop in temperature add up…

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Gratitude and a Gift!

I just love this time of year, the crisp air and the smell of pie baking in the oven, although I could do without those extremely cold days!  With Thanksgiving upon us, there are car loads of family coming in for a few days. As always, I prep my own gluten free stuffing along with a…

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